Friday 30 October 2015

Monthly update: October-2015

English course: Good progress is made in both schools
After teaching basics (mainly phonics in Level-1), we have moved to Level-2 teaching. This progress is no surprise for Turahalli School which is having dedicated and highly enthusiastic teachers. This school is mentored by our volunteer Ms Revathi.

Good news is, Yadalam School has also picked up very well with Level-1 teaching. Recently a test was conducted to evaluate learning. Out of 26 students, 25 students scored more than 50% and 15 students scored more than 90%. This is very satisfactory for us as this is not by heart method. Kudos to Ms. Vasantha for making this happen. She has used different techniques, gave assistance to teachers and paid special attention to some students.

Work of Ms Vasantha and Ms Revathi is always inspirational and backbone of Chilume activities.

Healthy diet session:
This month we had conducted a healthy diet session in Turahalli School. We had invited a specialist from Fortis Hospital to create awareness on food habits in kids. Session was lively and interactive. Kids also got gifts for listening attentively and answering the questions in end :)

Notebook Donation:
Notebook distribution used to happen every year through NGO and few donors. But this year due to some reason, schools didn't get notebooks. Based on Head mistress’s request, we arranged 350 notebooks to Turahalli School. Thanks to Ajit Gopalakrishnan for sponsorship.