Monday 7 May 2018

Summary of activities done in Academic Year 2017-2018

Academic year 2017-18 was quite eventful for Chilume. Below is the brief on the set of activities conducted in Turahalli and Yadalam government schools.

English Coaching Classes
Chilume has tied up with Step Up for India (SUFI) for English coaching. As part of this, SUFI provides training to volunteers and provide teaching materials. Volunteers took 90 sessions across term-I and term-II. Each session is of one hour duration and attended by two volunteers. Regular tests were held as part of coaching instruction to assess the learning.
Both volunteers and school staff see good improvement with English learning. Thanks to below CBH residents for volunteering and for their effort to make this happen.

Aruna, Ashwini , Bharathi , Jalaja, Premsudha , Prabhu, Prakash, Priyatha, Revathi, Raji, Ragini, Rajendra, Saiprasanna, Shekhar, Shivaram, Sreevasan, Suchitra, Susheela, Vasantha and Viji.

            Analog Devices has sponsored two SUFI coaching classes, one per school. Each of these course costs Rs 1,25,000/-. On seeing volunteers dedication and results, Analog Devices agreed to sponsor additional two coaching classes for AY 2018-19, this is worth Rs 5,00,000/- sponsorship. In addition, company has agreed to pay additional salary amount Rs 4,000 /- to Chilume sponsored teacher.
                Thanks to Prakash Kuve for getting this sponsorship.

Music class:
Regular music classes are held in Turahalli school by Seetha. Under her guidance, students won awards in inter-school singing competition. 

Craft class
            Regular craft class are held in Turahalli school by Suchitra, under her guidance students learnt stitching and embroidery design.

Mind map coaching:
Mind map coaching class held in Turahalli school on Sep 2017. Mind mapping is a creative and logical means of note-taking method. It’s used to Register, Recollect and Reproduce whatever students would study. This coaching class conducted to introduce new technique to government school students and teachers. Thanks to Viji for planning and co-ordination.

School Trip:
One of the founding principle of Chilume is to provide exposure to students. This year we took 50 students and teachers to software company located in outer ring road. Students were toured around office facilities, like work place, meeting room, labs, pantry and other facilities. We hope this will provide inspiration to study and dream for higher.
Thanks to Harman International for sponsoring and facilitating this trip.

School renovation:
            Apart from quality education, one of the key challenge in government school is maintaining facilities. This year with the help of CBH residents and residents of locality, we have painted Yadalam school. School looks quite bright after painting.
                On these bright walls Madhuri Aggarwal, Ashwini and CBH residents sprinkled vibrant colors. Hongirana team led wall painting in Yadalam school. This colorful art on school walls surely made school very beautiful place.
Thanks to all residents who have participated in this event and donated for this project. Special thanks to Sunil who mobilized funds for this project. Thanks to Jalaja for planning and co-ordination.

Dental Camp:
            Dental camp conducted in Turahalli school for check-up and to create oral hygiene awareness. Dr Ranjitha and Dr Vijaya Yadalam arranged this camp in co-ordination with RV Dental College. As part of this camp around 145 school children were screened, 52 permanent GI fillings, 25 pit and fissure sealants, 45 scaling are done. Tooth brush and pastes were distributed to all the students

Donation from CBH residents
CBH residents have made monetary donations during Ganesh festival. Please refer to e-mail published regularly for complete list of donations made to school activities.

Plan for 2018-19:
            We plan to continue our focus on English teaching as this is the area of concern for government schools.

We would like to thank CBH residents, volunteers, school staff, Step Up For India (SUFI) trust, donors and companies (Analog Devices, Harman International) for the support.

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Friday 18 August 2017

School kids visit to Software company

One of the objective of Chilume is to provide exposure of outside world to government school kids. As part of this objective, Chilume plans yearly trips to places like planetarium, museum, zoo, etc. This year we got good opportunity to visit software company Harman International located in outer ring road, Bangalore.

We formed group of 5 students, each group attended by two of Harman employees. They took them around lab, meeting room, work place, pantry, security/reception, audio experience room and recreation areas in groups. Employees explained importance of each of these places and allowed students to try and experience. 

After office tour, fun session was conducted, discussing their experience in office, details on different job opportunities and skit highlighting importance of discipline and hard-work in student life to achieve goals.

We would like to thank Harman and it's employees for facilitating this trip and making it a memorable day for students. 

Few snaps are below:

Saturday 29 July 2017

Future of government school

Highlights from article in Prajavani newspaper on current situation and best way forward:
- Like old generation, current problem is not schools are not near to school but there are no students in government school.
- There are 15lakh schools out of which 11 lakh schools are government schools. Nearly 4.2 lakh schools have less than 50 students.
- In Karanataka, out of 49,430 schools 10,420 schools have less than 50 students and nearly 5000 schools don't have any students.
- Reason for above problem is:
1. As part of "Policy of access to schools", government built more schools
2. Demographic decline of population
3. Increase in private schools

Main problem with this is single or couple of teachers covering 4-5 standards and load on single teacher if others goes on vacation. Author suggests combining schools nearby to reverse this trend.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Plan for 2017-2018

·         Tie up with Step Up For India (SUFI) for teaching material and volunteers training.
·         60 Hours of English session by volunteers to teach Phonetics based English.
·         Sponsor additional teacher to school to accommodate additional teaching activities
·         English coaching class for teachers
·         Computer education class for teachers and students
·         Non-Curricular learning on Saturdays 

Finance report - Academic year 2016/2017

Thanks for your support to Chilume Foundation. Below are the highlights of last year activities:
- Phoneitics based English teaching.
- Recruitment of additional teacher to handle additional learning activity
- School trip to Tulip resorts
- Facilitating study table for "Nali-Kali" students
- Conducting child safety sessions to bring awareness on child abuse
- Session from child psychologist and counselor. This session conducted to help teachers not to hit trouble making students but use techniques which will reduce restlessness of kids and get the focus in few minutes.

Below is the summary of donation and expense for the financial year 2016-2017. For FY 2017-18, we don't have sufficient fund to sponsor additional teacher for Turahalli school. It will be dis-continued after 6 months based on financial health. Support for school trips and other necessities of school will continue.