Saturday 8 July 2017

Finance report - Academic year 2016/2017

Thanks for your support to Chilume Foundation. Below are the highlights of last year activities:
- Phoneitics based English teaching.
- Recruitment of additional teacher to handle additional learning activity
- School trip to Tulip resorts
- Facilitating study table for "Nali-Kali" students
- Conducting child safety sessions to bring awareness on child abuse
- Session from child psychologist and counselor. This session conducted to help teachers not to hit trouble making students but use techniques which will reduce restlessness of kids and get the focus in few minutes.

Below is the summary of donation and expense for the financial year 2016-2017. For FY 2017-18, we don't have sufficient fund to sponsor additional teacher for Turahalli school. It will be dis-continued after 6 months based on financial health. Support for school trips and other necessities of school will continue.

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